Botox makes one look like a candle, star reveals for Harper’s Bazaar

Oct 9, 2009 17:31 GMT  ·  By
Tina Fey does the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar to talk beauty in Hollywood and her hectic schedule
   Tina Fey does the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar to talk beauty in Hollywood and her hectic schedule

Tina Fey is a very busy woman. The 39-year-old actress, writer, comedienne and producer is also a mother and wife, and has to divide her time between her work and her home, while also trying to squeeze in a few moments for herself, to look good for the cameras. She has no problems with the first two, but she almost never manages to do good on that last part, for which reason she’d rather be herself than try in vain to fit Hollywood’s standards of female beauty, Fey says for the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar.

For starters, Fey was never the kind of woman to pay excessive attention to her looks, in the sense that she would stress herself out if she had a bad hair day or despair if she got a crease in her suit. Instead, she learned to roll with the punches and accept that she would never be – or would want to be – like other female stars in showbiz. For one, they all look the same, with faces like shiny, holiday candles, and this is not something she aspires to achieve.

Not that she would need to comply with some ridiculous, unreal standard to prove anything, Harper’s Bazaar says. A strong personality combined with her unique charisma put her well above other women in the industry, who have been perhaps blessed with a more impeccable fashion style or more eye-pleasing features. Of course, that’s not to say that Fey would never undergo plastic surgery – she would if she had to, but not in a vain hope that she would live longer or be prettier for longer than most humans.

“You can point any kind of laser at my face, but I don’t think Botox is for me. I think it is bad. People who have too much, they look like their faces are full of candles – a shiny, shiny face. Festive. A holiday candle. […] I have the camera frame me from the waist up. Sometimes. If there is a shot that is bad, I can take it out. That is why LA is so bad, because they can take your picture from any side. That is why people in LA maintain 360-degree fitness. I don’t have that kind of time.” Tina Fey says of her attitude towards what women in showbiz understand of staying beautiful.

On the same note of keeping herself looking fresh and trim, Fey reveals that she would love to work out if she had the time. This way, she would always look good for the cameras and would also feel better about herself. Since there’s not even a remote chance of her finding the time for exercise soon, the comedienne assures herself she’ll get plenty of time for that in her grave. “Work, come home, play, kid bounce, work again, go to bed. But even yoga classes go on 80 or 90 minutes. You will still die. I’ll do grave yoga. Someone can come and stretch me in my grave.” Fey tells Harper’s.

See here for the full interview.