Cyclic universe

Nov 1, 2007 09:33 GMT  ·  By

Time has always fascinated people, various Science Fiction movies and books trying to explain its nature, how time works and ways to bend time to travel into the past or future. Einstein once said that the only two things in the universe that are infinite are time and space.

Time is a property of the universe, the fourth dimension. But, unlike space that has three dimensions, time has only one, that only moves towards a single direction: the future. Ever wondereded why you can remember the past but not the future as well? You can remember the past, because it already happened, but eventually the future will happen too, and logics say we should be able to remember it before it ever happened.

The universe has neither a start nor an end, because the start and the end of the universe are one and the same, meaning time is infinite. This feature implies that the universe has a cyclic life, beginning with the Big Bang, and ending in a Big Crunch at the end of which all information about the previous state of the universe is lost.

The theory of time is directly linked to the second law of thermodynamics, which is one of physics corner stone, and states that head can only pass from a hotter body to a cooler one to balance energy levels and create a more stable system, and never backwards. Reversing this crucial law may allow time traveling into the past.

Peter Lynds' theory points that inevitability of the second law of thermodynamics can be overcome, just before the universes gravitational collapse into a Big Crunch, or matter reaching a black hole's singularity, and the order of events reversing the time direction. But a Big Crunch poses a even darker question: what triggers a Big Bang?

Powerful gravitational fields or traveling at speeds close to the speed of light can slow down the time. It has been theorized that in the center of black holes, time slows down to an incredible rate, and could actually stop, and traveling at speeds faster that the speed of light could reverse time, returning to a previous past.

The fact that time might be infinite and the star and the end of the universe, poses difficult paradoxes. In the 18th century, Immanuel Kant concludes that a universe stretching back infinitely is a contradiction, therefore the question, what was before the previous universe triggering an infinite question. This would mean that stretching back in time, there would be an infinite amount of time, before any event will have happened, which is absurd as no event will ever occur.

Lynds' prediction of a enclosed universe, is untestable as far, because current observations of the visible universe say that there is not enough matter to slow down the expansion, stop it, and even to determine a future collapse.