It's uncertain if the cyberattacks are launched by vigilantes or a government agency

Aug 19, 2013 08:17 GMT  ·  By

Over the past few days, several of Al-Qaida’s online communication channels have been disrupted by distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks.

Evan Kohlmann, a US terrorism consultant who has worked for the FBI and other government agencies, has been monitoring the attacks.

“Several of Al-Qaida's top-tier web forums appear to have been targeted by intermittent, debilitating DDOS attacks over the past 3 days,” Kohlmann, who is a senior partner at cyberspace consulting and data services provider Flashpoint Partners, said on Saturday.

“It is unclear whether the apparent DDOS attacks on the Al-Qaida forums are the work of independent cybervigilantes or a government agency,” he added.

The impacted forums are Shamukh, Fidaa, and AMAF.

According to a tweet posted by the expert a few hours ago, the attacks are still going strong.

In the meantime, users on Twitter have been trolling Al-Qaida by abusing a hashtag utilized by the organization’s supporters.