You'll know if your dog gets hungry, tired, or in need of a tree

Dec 18, 2013 16:04 GMT  ·  By

Reading brainwaves is an ongoing project for the science community at large, but while a human-compatible brain-machine interface is still outside our reach, the same cannot be said about animals.

Case in point, people from the Nordic Society for Invention and Discover used a brain-computer interface powered by a Raspberry Pi to create the No More Woof.

With it, your dog won't need to woof or bark at you to get your attention. Well, it might do it anyway, but you'll actually know what your dog needs, as long as it's something basic.

The NSID people say they've decoded the most easily detected thought patterns, like "I'm hungry," "I'm tired," and "I want to pee."

If the Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign pulls through, you might be able to buy one someday.