With IE9, Microsoft has changed the perspective on its app

Mar 16, 2012 13:27 GMT  ·  By

Internet Explorer enjoys the largest share

on the browser market on desktop PCs at the moment, but it still has a lot to grow before it can be looked upon as the modern application that Microsoft wants us to believe it is.

The specific flavor of the browser that we're referring to is Internet Explorer 9, which raises the stake in performance and capabilities when compared to all previous releases.

Microsoft has been long touting the capabilities of Internet Explorer 9 when compared to those of rival solutions, and has just launched a new marketing campaign for that.

We all know that, although it is the most common browser on desktops, Internet Explorer also appears to be the most hated one.

Apparently, Microsoft is well aware of that, and is also determined to show to the world that things have changed.

With the new Internet Explorer 9, the web is not only more beautiful, but also more secure, they say. Not to mention that users will find it easier to go to the places they want when using the IE9 browser. And there is also the support for all the modern web technologies, and other features more.

The bottom line, Microsoft claims once again that, with Internet Explorer 9, it can cure the hatred against its web browser. And they got proof of that as well: people are already starting to see the new browser version for what it really is, and they are sharing their new perspective to the world.

“Went in with many reservations and much skepticism, but turns out Internet Explorer 9 really is pretty damned cool! @ie9globatpr#ie9#in,” a tweet from Minakshi Menon (@sotumenon) reads.

A new video ad to herald the new perspective on IE9 (as compared to what users believed of the older IE releases) was also released, and it can be seen embedded below.

Moreover, Microsoft came up with a new website as part of this marketing campaign. It is called “Browser You Loved to Hate”, and also offers you the possibility to download the new browser version.

If you are using a PC running under Windows 7 or older Windows flavors and haven’t yet had the possibility to try out Internet Explorer 9 to see what it can deliver, you should do so now. It is available on Softpedia via this link. If you hate it, it might cure you too. Let us know if it does / doesn’t in the comment section below.