Lonesome George's death marks the end of yet another species

Jun 25, 2012 07:41 GMT  ·  By

Just Sunday, representatives of the Galapagos National Park informed the public that Lonesome George passed away, after successfully making it well over 100 years.

Lonesome George was found by biologists back in 1972 on Pinta Island, in the Galapagos region. At that time, it was already believed that Pinta Island tortoises were extinct for quite a while, so discovering George did bring some hope.

However, all attempts to breed him with tortoises belonging to other species failed.

Presently, the staff from the Galapagos National Park is planning to organize an international workshop aimed at findings ways to protect the world's remaining tortoises.

Seeing how George was the world's last Pinta Island tortoise, it seems that his death marks the end of his entire species.