Gamers won't feel a decrease in quality, according to CD Projekt Red

May 16, 2014 09:27 GMT  ·  By

CD Projekt Red, the developer of the upcoming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, has revealed that it considers the debate between a resolution of 720p and 1080p as just something that's not quite meaningful to gamers, only to public relations for platforms like PS4 or Xbox One.

Ever since the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft were released last November there has been a big emphasis on the performance of games on them and whether or not they reach the gold standard of a 1080p full HD resolution and a 60fps framerate.

However, The Witcher 3 developer CD Projekt Red isn't concerned all that much about these goals, as it believes a 1080p resolution doesn't really impact gamers.

"The final effect, whether it's 720p, 1080p - we had the debate in the studio about it and actually asked our tech guys to explain how it works, and they sent me some complicated graphs that 'if I have this size of the screen, and I sit one meter or two meters from it, then I might be able to see the difference'," the studio's co-founder, Marcin Iwinski, told Eurogamer.

"It's more of a PR differentiation," he added, "which is very important for Sony right now - and they are using it, obviously - than something that is really meaningful to gamers."

Iwinski was quick to point out that his team is working hard to max out both the PS4 and Xbox One in order to reach a high resolution and framerate but, as of right now, it can't say how the title will perform on them when it appears in February of 2015.

"We're definitely working to max out each of the platforms in terms of what we can get, because that's a crucial element of The Witcher. Will there be big differences? Really I don't think so. It's too early to say. If there will be, they will be tiny. It will be more like people talking 'hey, I have this and you have that and this is better'."

The co-founder has also emphasized that CD Projekt Red won't implement limitations on one platform or another so that The Witcher 3 runs the same on both the PS4 and Xbox One.

"No we don't want to make any artificial things with the game, and both platform holders are supportive in terms of making sure it runs to the full potential," he added. "Again, it's against our values to dumb anything down for the sake of some business arrangement."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will debut on PC, PS4, and Xbox One next year.