The pseudo-GPS-enabled media player boasts new features

Jun 22, 2007 06:59 GMT  ·  By

Damn, Sansa Disks commit the sin of envy! Have you ever seen such a pretty player before? I certainly didn't! The latest iRiver player has both brain and beauty and comes in electrifying colors.

W10 is a Windows CE-based PMP that is capable of displaying photos and videos, apart from serving also as a remarkable music player. For the ones that need to get informed every day, the manufacturers thought about adding a useful FM radio. It also packs WiFi and VoIP client.

At a first glance, the W10 is a 3-inch WQVGA widescreen TFT touchscreen with a 480 x 272 pixels resolution, which should make media browsing, as well as using the integrated WiFi positioning, a piece of cake. According to iRiver, the W10 player brings the owner to another "era of portable electronic entertainments". I don't know what that means, but I can assure you that W10 cloud be the best gift to offer to anyone.

The gorgeous player can enable audio and video entertainment, regardless of time and location. Due to the CE-based operating system, the device provides a reliable platform and guarantees that all the applications can be easily and quickly integrated in the form of firmware upgrades.

In addition, the W10 player allows the owner to add more capacity to the device, as it comes with a Mini-SD Card Slot, that's if you somehow think about adding more boast to the generous 8GB capacity storage.

Moreover, as usual, iRiver managed to insert a lot of features, and a trendy built-in mono speaker and a Wi-Fi Positioning System. As you know, more and more people are using them to share their favorite music, while spending quality time with friends.

Regarding the audio capabilities, the iRiver player can deal with MP3, WMA and WMV9 file formats, as well as with most of the video formats available on the market, such as ASF, OGG Q10, MPEG4 SP videos H.264, AAC, JPG photos, texts and a lot of captivating flash games.

I wonder what the price tag is going to be, since we don't have any official news about that!

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