From Ayurveda to modern medicine

Jul 20, 2007 19:11 GMT  ·  By

Humans have noticed for a long time that even when having the same lifestyle and eating the same food, humans do not look alike. Modern medicine found three basic human typologies which curiously coincide with the 5,000 years old system of the Indian Ayurveda medicine, which assigns people in Pitta, Vata and Kapha. But both medicines say most humans' characteristics can be included in a mixed typology.

1.The athletic (Pitta) type is characterized by medium height and strong physical build-up. The face is bony and angular; the gesture energetic. The nose is usually big and wide, and the chin very pronounced. Teeth are sharp and a little bit yellowish. The skin is usually light colored with lunars and freckles; hair often light or red that usually goes gray early. The neck is long and muscular; the limbs are larger than average. Muscles and bones are well developed. They are attracted by resistance and power sports. Digestion is optimal and their feet and hands are usually warm. They fight against bodyweight through sport.

These persons are dynamic, very perseverant, ambitious, self-controlled, with leadership and organizational qualities (a good control of the conflicts and decision taking, but also aggressive). They are able to impose themselves and to stand pressure. He/she gives importance to hierarchies. The best memories of a holiday: "I climbed up three times a 3,000 m (10,000 ft) high mountain".

In case of disease, they get irritated, are in a bad mood, impatient and angry. They overwork, experience exhaustion and circulation impairment. They have a tendency towards inflammations, rheumatism, acne and gum hemorrhage.

They enjoy raw food, but they deal very badly with fatty, salty, acid (like citrus fruits, acid wine) or spiced (instead of pepper is better the green chilly, with no onion, garlic or wasabi) food. No smoking. They cope very well with bitter and dry foods, like vegetables, salads, beans. Cold food and drinks are better than hot ones. Breakfasts should be made of fruits and vegetables.

These people need challenges, competition and physical movement; the ideal sports are swimming, running and biking. If they have a job requiring attention to details and a firm attitude is not valued, their balance could be ensured by competition sports and cold showers.

2. The leptosomic (Vata) type, also called asthenic, presents delicate, thin limbs which are average sized and a rather small torso. Light and flexible body, or even underweight. In most cases, muscles and veins are visible. The muscles are thin, but resistant. Facial traits are fine, gentle with vivacious gestures. Bright, expressive and often big eyes. The hair is fine, dry and silky. The articulations rustle often but are mobile and rapid. They do not like immobility. The vegetative nervous system is very sensitive.

These persons are delicate, sensitive, reserved, with a quick thinking. They are able of getting enthusiastic, creative, flexible, full of ideas. They get it quickly but also forget with rapidity; they get tired immediately. Holiday memory: "The sunsets were magnificent".

They do not stand well cold or warmth. Usually they have cold hands and feet. Often they feel anxious and hyperactive. They get easily concerned and tend to experience sleeping impairment. They get exhausted rapidly and after that they experience lack of power and depression. They are prone to cold and psychosomatic diseases. They tend to experience constipation, low tension, cramps, fragile conjunctive tissue and varicose veins.

They face problems with raw foods, integral heavy products and cold aliments. The best are the warmed up foods, like soups and stews, seasoned with a little fat (cream or butter). The best are the salty and acid foods, but also carbohydrate rich ones (fruits, rice, potato). Calorific spices are recommended, like coriander, cinnamon, pepper, ginger, or curcuma. In underweight persons, breakfast should not be skipped.

These people need time for meditation. They look for safety and enjoy warm stimulants, like vapor baths. Even if they like to move fast, they are better for more relaxed sports, like walking and yoga. If they face fierce competition at work, they can balance it with a regulated diet, eliminating raw food. In their spare time, they should avoid competition activities.

3.The Pyknic (Kapha) type is of robust build-up. Their line tends to be expansive with a large thorax and large, heavy bones. Their skin is thick, soft, slightly fat and the face wide, rounded and soft. They do not gesticulate much and their eyelids and eyebrows are dense. Teeth are large, strong and white. The hair is thick, dense and almost always dark. They prefer a sedentary lifestyle and tend to grow fat. Exercising hardly makes them get slimmer.

They enjoy pleasures: abundant food and drink, preferring sweets, spiced foods and a good wine. They find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Usually, they are patient, compassionate, kindhearted, stable and conscientious. They get new friends very easily, avoiding conflicts. Holiday records: "There is a very good food".

These individuals experience heavy digestion and gain weight very easily, experiencing diseases such as: atherosclerosis, diabetes and gout. They should ingest a salad before a meal to stimulate their digestion. Spices, too, help.

A diet based on raw vegetables during the summer would help. They should avoid food that is too cold, fatty, abundant, sweet or salty, but also rich in calories (sweet fruits, sweets, cakes, dairy products). The best breakfasts are those made of fruit or vegetable juices and vegetable broths.

They need a great social harmony and require good quality food with many liquids. They should train their bodies and avoid routine in all their environments. Strength sports, like swimming, biking, running or team sports are recommended.