Oinking your music

Oct 23, 2006 07:16 GMT  ·  By

I don't know why some people are into pink pigs, but we see these funky little toys just about anywhere. And since they are so popular, someone has decided to turn them into speakers for another very popular item, Apple's famous music player, the iPod. And thus, the Pig Speakers appeared.

These cute little devices are powered by 4 AAA batteries, and will "oink" to the sound generated by your iPod, but also by your PC, laptop, mini-disc player or normal MP3 player. Moreover, they work in a very funny manner, since the volume control is none other than one of their pigtails. However, it's quite clear that these devices are more for fun than for real audiophiles, as you can see from the list of specifications listed below:

- dimensions: 16 x 10 x 11 cm; - power: 1.6 watts per speaker; - impedance: 80HM; - frequency response 150HZ ~ 20Khz.

If you're attracted to these cute little things (although they're a bit kitsch, you have to admit it), they're available for around 24 Euro at crazyaboutgadgets.com. Not much for some devices that will certainly put a smile on your face, and some oinks in your house.

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