The institution has added recycled fiber to the paper its magazines are printed on

Jul 18, 2014 23:45 GMT  ·  By
The National Geographic Society wants to use recycled fiber to make its magazines more eco-friendly
   The National Geographic Society wants to use recycled fiber to make its magazines more eco-friendly

As it turns out, it's not just car manufacturers, Internet giants, and other major companies that are looking to improve on their ecological footprint and help limit climate change and global warming.

The National Geographic Society is also very much interested in greening up its way, and to achieve this goal, it has recently turned its attention towards making its magazines a tad more environmentally-friendly.

According to Environmental Leader, the nonprofit scientific and educational institution has added about 5% recycled fiber to the paper its magazines are printed on, and plans to up this percentage in the years to come.

Studies have shown that, when compared to brand-new fiber, recycled one need be linked to less greenhouse gas emissions and a reduced energy use. Hence the Society's decision to start using it to print its magazines.

The National Geographic Society's decision to at least give recycled paper a try is the result of a collaboration between the institution, Green America and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Seeing how, for the time being at least, just 3% of the 15,000 magazine titles in the United States use recycled paper on a regular basis, one can only hope that similar initiatives will be implemented in the near future.