Stands at NRA's Houston convention were laced with pink accessories for gun-wielding women

May 7, 2013 13:37 GMT  ·  By

The yearly NRA convention has targeted ladies this weekend, no pun intended. In order to make weapons more appealing to the female population, they have been displayed with pink upholsters and they have been placed near pink T-shirts.

In order to make guns easier to hide and allow women not to have to carry them in their purses, some stands have shown how easy it is to strap a gun to your bra.

Of course, a pink bra has been used in said demonstration, but one can also opt for a classic bra when packing heat.

According to photos displayed by Think Progress, the Houston conference stands were also laced with posters of “all American girls” carrying assault weapons while wearing little clothes and riding motorcycles.

“A lady with a gun has more fun” stickers were also made available.