If you're sleeping too well at night, this video should cure it

Oct 22, 2013 21:51 GMT  ·  By

Parasites, of any kind, are horrible. There's no need to prove or debate this in any way. That said, not all parasites are created equal, some are quite a lot scarier than others.

AsapScience put together a video of some of the most horrible parasites out there, whether they affect humans or not, though, you'll be glad to know, most do.

From worms that live in your body for years and leave you paralyzed, to tongue-eating lice and zombifying fungus, everyone will find something to like have nightmares about, as if you needed any more reasons to never leave your house again.

Granted, staying inside doesn't protect you from some of these horrific creatures, in fact, some prefer the nice warm environment of your home. Sill, you'll be washing your hands five times an hour for a while after seeing this video.