A Practical Introduction To SEO

Feb 29, 2008 15:16 GMT  ·  By

Search engines helps any Internet user to rapidly find relevant information regarding a certain topic. It is demonstrated that the best traffic existing in case of a certain website is generated by search engines.

Search engine optimization represent the process containing all actions and strategies necessary to improve the level of website promotion through search engines and, as a consequence, the quality and quantity of web traffic for a certain website.

In principle, the search engine optimization process deals with websites features improvements and changes in order to be more search-engine-friendly. Before beginning to learn the SEO techniques of analyzing the search engine indexing algorithms search methods used by average Internet users, website promotion methods through search engines and more, you should understand the principles which forms the base of search engines mechanisms of function.

Search engines are formed by a spider or crawler which retrieves web pages and follows links contained in the respective web pages. The control over content privacy can be established through the robots.txt file, which contains directives regarding the permissions of crawling for search engines spiders. During the crawling process, the spider will send the content to the indexer. The next step is the indexing process which consists of including the crawled pages into a database. Sometimes is useful for the webmaster to use a crawler simulator for a certain search engine because, after the indexing process simulation, it will show how a certain website will appear in the search engine index.

When a user performs a search query, the search engine will display the results according to certain relevancy criteria or pages ranks. The algorithm of calculation page ranks is different for every search engine. The most important fact is that they have the same function mechanism, and all of the existing search engines will better understand and even rank a certain webpage based on its text content, rather than images, movies and others. As a consequence, every webmaster should find an equilibrium between the text part of the content and others content elements, which are not indexed by search engines.