Better lighting, improved visual effects, and more are included in the game

Jul 16, 2014 14:31 GMT  ·  By

Sony has just rolled out a new list of details about The Last of Us Remastered for the PS4, confirming some of the many upgrades made to the game during its transition from the PS3 to the new home console.

PS3 owners worldwide were thrilled to experience The Last of Us last summer, as the survival game brought forth not just a great story focusing on protagonists Joel and Ellie, but also some great gameplay moments, not to mention a nifty multiplayer mode that retained the feel of the single-player campaign.

Since then, developer Naughty Dog has rolled out different DLC packs, ranging from multiplayer items to a new single-player adventure called Left Behind. It's also been working hard on adapting The Last of Us for the PS4 platform.

Sony and Naughty Dog have already confirmed that The Last of Us Remastered is going to sport upgrades in terms of performance, running at a 1080p full HD native resolution and a fast 60fps framerate.

Now, in a new PS blog post, Sony's Sid Shuman has gone in-depth about the new things added to The Last of Us on the PS4, not to mention how the performance upgrades have benefitted the overall experience.

The 1080p full HD resolution allows players to really admire the painstakingly detailed mechanics of the game and also the great environments without worrying about jagged edges or low-quality textures.

The 60fps framerate also ensures that the shooter gameplay feels tight and fluid. Moving the camera around also feels great on the PS4, especially since Naughty Dog allowed a PS3 edition to run in parallel, so that players could see the difference.

Those who swear by a 30fps framerate, however, will be able to use a special 30fps lock option inside the game's options to ensure that the experience feels like it did on the PS3.

Visual details and lighting have also been improved, according to the Sony representative, as players will be able to spot different details more easily than on the PS3.

"Then there are a slew of subtler visual details. Lighting quality has received a boost, with improved shadow detail. Joel and Ellie’s in-game character models also look more detailed, sporting higher resolution textures that allowed me to see the fabric weave in Joel’s filthy flannel shirt," he said.

"The 1080p presentation also helped me spot subtle visual details I’d never noticed in the original PS3 version, like the way tiny streams of blood trickle down Joel’s arm when he’s injured, or how rats weave erratically through garbage-strewn ruins."

In terms of gameplay, most of it has remained the same, although the default shooting control setup has been changed to use the L2 and R2 triggers. Those who like the L1 and R1 setup can easily select it in the options menu.

The Last of Us Remastered for the PS4 debuts at the end of the month.