Royalties everywhere?

Mar 19, 2008 17:21 GMT  ·  By

Ever heard of the "King of Spam" before? I know I have, and it was not Robert Soloway who was referred to by that title. Then again, every guy going behind bars for spamming must be talked about as being "X of Spam," else the news isn't worth reading. So, don't be surprised the next time when some other man will be crowned by the media, or when Princes, Lords, Counts, Dukes and whatnot pop out and take the spotlight.

Robert Soloway, however, is known for having lost a judgement of $7.8 million to Microsoft in 2005. To nobody's surprise, he did not pay the fine, so now he's facing a bigger problem: Soloway will be questioned about the whereabouts of his ill-gotten gains while being monitored by a lie-detector. And that's just a part of it, the King of Spam will also be facing a maximum sentence of 26 years behind bars, nothing to be jealous about, unless you are facing life imprisonment, or the electrical chair, or the lethal injection.

With all the evidence against him, Robert has decided to plead guilty to fraud and tax evasion charges before a judge on Friday, but in doing so, he cut a deal with the authorities to have the aggravated identity theft and money-laundering charges dropped in exchange.

By God, does he claim to be incapable of paying the fine. According to Soloway's lawyers, the only items of value in his possession are a collection of two dozens pairs of expensive sunglasses valued at more than $3,700, 27 pairs of shoes, and clothing worth about $14,200. I guess being 'royalty' doesn't pay like it used to. On a side note, actually more of a question, does he not own a computer from which his illegal activities have been conducted? Has he been living in a cardboard box all these years?