Underbed Lift from MK I Studio

Feb 4, 2007 11:26 GMT  ·  By

Take a second and imagine the following scene. It's Sunday morning, you're laying in your bed, and you suddenly feel like watching a movie at the cinema. But since it's morning, you feel a huge wave of laziness surrounding you, so you opt for a movie on your home cinema.

Without further ado, you reach out, press a button, and, all of a sudden, a huge metal contraption that holds within your whole home-cinema system, subwoofer and plasma widescreen included will raise up from under the bed. What do you think about it? Tempted? Well, I can assure you that this device is quite real, is dubbed Underbed Lift and has been created by a US-based company called MK I Studio.

This amazing setup (which is great whether you don't have too much space in your room, or you're one extremely lazy person) can be customized to your needs, depending on the size of your bed. The system is formed out of a plasma panel with amplifiers, DVD, VCR, subwoofer and 7 channels of surround sound, and features 6 racks for the required equipment.

Depending on the size of your bed (King or Queen), you can use either a 50 inch-panel or a 42 incher, and both systems can be deployed in almost no time (well, actually in around 45 seconds). Moreover, you don't even need a very high bed, since the system only requires around 20 centimeters of clearance under it.

Another great thing about the Underbed Lift system is that it is capable of doing more than just lifting from underneath the bed. Thus, you can get more viewing angles, since the thing rotates for watching anywhere in the room. Now, how about the price of such a thing?

Well, it's not official yet, since this setup is still in its final stages of development, but it will surely set you back quite a lot, even if it will be all money well spent, if you ask me. And if you want to see the thing in live action, check out this video.

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