And no, the Frizerator H-3 is not, in fact, a freeze ray

Dec 9, 2014 15:40 GMT  ·  By

Normal frisbees are about as big as your face or so, but there are smaller ones out there as well. If you're the sort of person who likes the latter, the Frizerator H-3 might be just what the doctor ordered.

The Frizerator H-3 might sound like the name of a freezing beam gun, or something else of that type from this or that science fiction series.

But that's not what David Bogenhagen designed. Instead, he gave that name to his frisbee gun. That's right, the man created a gun (if you can call it that) capable of firing frisbees.

Considering that he's been competing in Frisbee competitions since the 1980's, his passion is quite understandable.

The idea of a frisbee gun isn't really new. Bogenhagen himself admitted that he was inspired by the “fristol” he bought back in the 80's.

However, his 3D CAD models and a 3D printer will allow even you to build one for yourself, even if you're not a career Mechanical Engineer like him.

Autodesk Inventor was the program used to design the disc-shooting gun, which took 10-20 hours to make. The Frizerator H-3 can shoot frisbees to around 20 yards / 18 meters.

If you don't have a 3D printer, you can order one of these guns for $31 / €25 from the MakeXYZ store. The price includes six discs.

The 3D printed frisbee gun (6 Images)

The Frizerator H-3
The Frizerator H-3, blackThe Frizerator H-3, orange