Spinach, yogurt and tomatoes are some of the tastiest foods you can indulge in over the summer

May 28, 2008 20:25 GMT  ·  By

As I mentioned in a previous post, summer is the season when some of the most dubious dietary trends occur. It's all actually quite strange, given that we're all very motivated to lose weight in order to look fabulous in that perfect bikini - and yet we find ourselves indulging in fried burgers, chocolaty drinks and various desserts which usually involve a lot of chocolate ice cream with lots of sugary toppings. Below is a short list of foods we can actually indulge in this summer - well, any summer, really - and to which we can treat ourselves constantly, in various combinations.

1. Spinach - it may be a little Popeye-ish, but spinach is not to be messed with. It is, in fact, a noted muscle-builder, an excellent source of omega-3 and folate, which help lower the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and strokes. Irrespective of how we choose to eat it, we should get at least 1 cup of fresh spinach or half a cup of cooked spinach into our systems every day.

2. Yogurt - an ancient food (it has been around for over 2,000 years and its benefits are not to be messed with), yogurt is a wonderful source of beneficial nutrients that help boost our immune systems, protect us against cancer, and even protects our mouths against tooth decay. Not all yogurts are the same, though, so make sure the label reads "live and active cultures". Constantly check labels to make sure you are not eating any unwanted sugar mixed with your yogurt.

3. Tomatoes - these wonderfully tasty vegetables are packed with antioxidants and help decrease the risk of getting bladder, lung, prostate, breast, skin, and stomach cancer, as well as make us less prone to coronary artery disease. Eat at least eight red cherry tomatoes (or drink a glass of tomato juice) every day and you'll soon feel the difference.