Eat bilberries, turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic and ginseng to keep your body and mind young and fully functioning

Jul 17, 2006 12:59 GMT  ·  By

We all would like to discover the magic potion that helps us preserve our youth forever. But if we think that the magic potion consists of miracle ingredients brought to us from foreign worlds, we are completely wrong: the surrounding natural environment offers us the most efficient resources against the aging process.

The herbal remedies that prevent us from getting old and ill with all kinds of diseases are available in the nature around us. Just take the time to consider the simplest way of living in pure nature. The results will not require a sophisticated method to be implied and will not be hard to achieve at all!

The most common diseases among the elders relate to memory loss and other mental disorders, usually manifested as the Alzheimer's disease, macular eye degeneration, heart dysfunctions, all kinds of cancer etc. Therefore, all we need to do is to focus on herbal remedies that will provide us with a healthy longevity. The following five herbs are the main sources of natural health that will help us stay and feel young all throughout our lifetime.

Bilberry is considered by herbal experts as one of the most important plants that improves vision acuity and prevents the decline of the eyesight. The plant is laden with flavonoids, anthocyanin and glucoquinine, vitamin A and C and other nutrients that are very beneficial for visual accuracy, by improving blood circulation to the eyes and the nervous system. Therefore, bilberry intake can prevent or fight against eyes disorders such as: retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, myopia etc. This happens because anthocyanins are responsible for protecting the tissues of the retina of the eye against free radical damage. The vitamins and nutrients in bilberries also release visual fatigue and "night blindness."

The antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients in the bilberries also help preventing or treating vascular and blood disorders like varicose veins, venous thrombosis, angina, capillary fragility. The glucoquinine reduces blood sugar levels and the need for insulin administration, while other substances and compounds in the plant provide it with a powerful anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effect.

Turmeric is commonly known as one of the cheapest spices, that has been use since antiquity as a condiment and also as dye. Originating in South East Asia, the turmeric contains curcuminoids that are the most beneficial ingredients of this plant. The curcuminoids have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects upon human body. Also, the turmeric intake helps supporting the health of liver, prevents high doses of cholesterol in our organism and is being studied by scientists for its tumor-blocking ability.

As an anti-cancer agent, turmeric has been found to block the uncontrollable growth of melanoma tumor cells, cells that lead to breast, colon cancer, leukemia etc.

Ginkgo Biloba is the most common and popular herb that enhances cognitive functions and also prevents or treats memory loss. Interest in this plant was manifested primarily in the Orient due to its power to delay all kinds of aging associated problems. It improves blood circulation to the brain and also fights as a strong antioxidant against free radicals and neuronal cells oxidation. That is why Ginkgo Biloba is beneficial against aging, as it helps protecting and maintaining the survival of the neuronal cells.

Garlic is known all over the world as one of the most common condiments, usually found in every kitchen. But scientific studies showed that garlic is not only a condiment that makes our meals tastier, but it also works as a remedy against cardiovascular diseases (by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides levels and reducing high blood pressure) and also as an anti-cancer agent. It is also recommended for its antineoplastic and antimicrobial properties.

Garlic's beneficial effects upon our health mostly come from its high concentration of sulfur containing compounds, among which allicilin proves to be the most active compound.

Ginseng is another very important anti-aging remedy, as it stimulates memory and prevents neurological problems. Ginseng provides us with a stronger immune system and long term energy, fighting against circulatory disorders also. It increases body's resistance and vitality and also blood pressure and heart rate.