This summer, Sylvester Stallone & Co. returns to the big screen

Apr 4, 2014 11:08 GMT  ·  By

A brand new trailer for this summer’s star-studded action film “The Expendables 3” has been released, just hours after 16 characters posters came out. The new trailer is included below but really, the only intro you need for it is this: holy Batman, look at all these actors!

When the first “Expendables” movie came out, the brainchild of Sylvester Stallone, who wrote the script, directed the film and also starred in it, its appeal was having an impressive cast comprising mostly ‘90s action stars.

The concept has been duly worked on in the second installment and clearly taken to epic proportions in the third, which also promises to be the last: just listing the names of all the actors who appear in it would probably take longer than viewing this new trailer.

To sum up though: we have franchise regulars Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Terry Crews returning, but we also have new additions in Kellan Lutz, Antonio Banderas and Mel Gibson. Arnold Schwarzenegger is also back but, then again, when isn’t he?

“The Expendables 3” is directed by Patrick Hughes on a script that has Stallone as co-writer, and will be out in theaters in early August 2014.