Spider-like robot saves people from war zones and natural disaster sites

May 1, 2007 06:16 GMT  ·  By

No more 'English Patient' nurses (coming down from choppers) to save you from war zones and natural disaster sites. Robots like this one will probabably approach the wounded rapidly, grab them, and flee from the scene just as fast to take the rescued victims to the nearest hospitals.

It can reach impassable land areas where humans have troubles getting to. Designed by Marcos Nolan, the Elios is a spider-like robot that can boldly go where nurses have never gone before. Its main standout feature is that it has 10 lifting arms on its bottom. A bevy of optical and biometric sensors ensure Elios keeps on target whereas its rugged shell keeps it from being damaged. However, the bottom sensors are not the only ones on the Elios.

The Spider also features ?head" sensors that help it distinguish wounded humans from healthy humans and other moving objects. When it reaches its target, its legs extend, closing around the subject in need of help, grabs them using their arms and takes them to the nearest healthcare unit. And, hopefully, this is where the soldiers meet the nurses again.

Its designer thinks the robots shaped like arachnids have great maneuverability. Anyway, I'm guessing no one wants to see a giant spider approaching unless they're in big trouble (in which case I bet this robot would be really good news). Apparently, this damage-resistant robot is a perfect example of Asimov's - the famous Russian Science Fiction writer - laws of robotics. It saves people without getting hurt.

One thing it won't do is CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Anyway, this is probably a good thing for soldiers. No conscious soldier would resist the shock of seeing a spider-like mouth giving him mouth-to-mouth artificial breathing.

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