Pocket Viewer from FirstStreet offers up to 7x zoom

Nov 24, 2006 07:46 GMT  ·  By

As mentioned in some other cases, the extraordinary leaps forward science and technology undertook during the past few years lead to the development of modern variants to age-old devices. And the gadget presented by the people over at FirstStreet, namely the Pocket Viewer, really fits the profile, as it's a more technologically advanced variant of the magnifier lens.

Dubbed by the manufacturers a "portable magnification device", the Pocket Viewer offers some pretty interesting characteristics, among which the most important are the zoom level (7x), but also the well-lighted display, which can be used in just about any environmental condition. Moreover, the device is quite small and lightweight (and thus very portable), and features 3 different options for viewing the magnified images: black on white, white on black and color (for small photos).

Here are the most important technical and commercial specifications of the Pocket Viewer:

- magnification level: 7x; - display area dimensions: 7.62 cm x 10.16 cm; - features high contrast display modes; - 3 viewing options; - features a battery level indicator; - uses digital camera technology, which allows the increase of the magnification level and of the image clarity.

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