Those who have problems with creepy crawlers will meet bears

Nov 14, 2011 10:14 GMT  ·  By

Even before The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was launched a group of players announced that they would be unable to buy and play the game because the game had a very realistic portrayal of spiders which triggered their arachnophobia.

On the good old PC their problems are now solved because one of the first things that mod creators have done is to take the game and eliminate any trace of eight legged creatures from it, replacing all the crawling things with bears.

This might make the game a little more challenging for some gamers but at least they will be able to pick up and enjoy Skyrim despite their phobia of spiders.

The open world first person role playing game has been out since Friday and already it has tens of pretty interesting mods, most of which can be found here.

It seems that Bethesda has made Skyrim pretty easy to modify and more complex changes and enhancements will arrive in time.