Jon Stewart's show focused on the hardship of using Glass

Jun 13, 2014 13:07 GMT  ·  By

Google Glass has earned itself a reputation for being a device that you either love or hate. There have been so many incidents in the past year related to wearing the gear that it’s impossible not to have heard at least once about one of these situations. 

People have been harassed in bars, hit, or their Glass was ripped off their faces as those around them believed they were being secretly recorded with the device.

Even if that wasn’t always the situation, and the fact that you can do pretty much the same thing with any smartphone nowadays, people seem to get irked about Glass more than about any other device.

The Daily Show took a crack at the device, trying to figure out what the deal was with Glass. Jon Stewart’s team then proceeded to troll a bunch of Glass wearers with the help of Jason Jones, a regular on the show.

The Glass wearers were asked a lot of questions, including the most annoying one “Are you recording me right now?” which they’d only heard a hundred times so far.

Jones tried to figure out not only what happened to these people, but also why they were using the device when they could just as easily get the same information off their phones. “What’s so inconvenient about using your cell phone?” he kept asking, prompting some pretty silly response that you’d have to actually pull out the phone, unlock it and launch an app to check out the email, whilst on Glass, it’s just there.

When one of the Glass owners referred to the group as “Explorers,” Jones pretty much lost it because he found it silly for them to be called so when they hadn’t discovered anything.

He did press on about what was so special about Glass until one of the device owners in the studio explained that it was “an interface between the user and the rest of the world,” which had Jones sarcastically reply that those were normally called eyes.

Sick with all the sarcasm, they asked him if he’d ever worn Glass. Since paying $1,500 for the device wasn’t something he was willing to do, he put together his own hilarious device – a head microphone, with a camera and the smartphone stuck to a wire on his face.

The entire thing was hilarious and you should check it out regardless of whether you love or loath the Google-made device.