And is looking for beta testers

Sep 17, 2008 07:49 GMT  ·  By

The Chronicles of Spellborn, a fantasy MMO set in a world that has been “fractured”, is pretty much ready for release and the developers behind it have shared information regarding the Fame system implemented in the game, the Player versus Players servers and the classes that would be available for gamers.

The Fame concept is an attempt to create a system that replaces the traditional experience of other MMOs. Initially the developers were thinking of discouraging grinding by making completion of quests award much more fame than killing monsters, but feedback from the beta convinced them that Fame needs to be available both for players that enjoy questions and for those that like to take on the various monsters of the game world.

The game features three archetypes that a player can choose from when creating a character, which branch out into three classes, each at level 5. The game encourages players to gain skills that match their focus in combat. Only a subset of the skills gained can be used in any given engagement, so the player needs to carefully choose his enemies and tactics.

Combat is designed to be less dependent on button mashing and more first person shooter like, emphasizing the input and the gamer’s skill. Most of the areas of the game world will be open to both Players versus Environment battles and to Players versus Players fights, with only the starting areas of Hawksmouth and Aldenvault and the major cities being exceptions to this rule.

The game is still in beta and the developers are looking for a few more players to provide feedback on Chronicles of Spellborn. The game is not set to ship this year, mainly because it would face stiff competition in the MMO world from the launch of the World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King and from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.