Expensive? Too much of a kind word

Dec 1, 2008 22:11 GMT  ·  By

In the world of luxury, when it comes to loudspeakers, glass looks like one of the choices with the best chances to win the hearts of those who are willing to spend serious cash on brutally expensive things. Certain products from Waterfall or Perfect8 have made it big, at least in the price lists of catalogs, and are still retailing for huge sums. While few such audio gadgets have been available for a thorough review, we'll just assume that speakers this expensive should also boast a good sound – since they don't come in blinged-up shapes, it's less likely that people buy them strictly because they're so expensive.

It's time for Japanese special glass manufacturer Hario to make its first step in the audio world with the first creation going by the name of Harion.

The Harion is a 5.1 audio system, comprising 4 floorstanding units, a center one, and a subwoofer, which looks like nothing else we've encountered in the bass-world so far. We must admit that your interior designer won't probably be able to have it integrated in your actual home décor, because of this speakers' particular appearance and special properties. The glass cabinets have been manufactured from Hario's best heat-resistant glass, and they sport a very fluid shape. The general impression they have made was that they also come with a rather retro look, mostly because of the shiny conic metal base each speaker comes with.

Judging by the immense time it took from the idea on the paper to become a finished product (3 years and 8 months, and no less than 23 subcontractors), one is inclined to say that the Harion isn't a nonsense. Unfortunately, Hario has not released anything on the technical specs of the Harion, so nobody can tell what's inside and how's it going to sound. Furthermore, until you will save the $168,000 granting that you can lay hands on the Harion, it's quite sure that enough data will have surfaced. Now, if you think that $168,000 is too much, Hario will definitely drop the price until $105,000. If you order 20 Harions, that is.

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