Family is upset at the indiscretion and complete lack of respect

Jun 8, 2009 10:35 GMT  ·  By
Actor David Carradine passed away last week in his hotel suite in Bagkok – cause of death still unknown
   Actor David Carradine passed away last week in his hotel suite in Bagkok – cause of death still unknown

David Carradine’s family is completely shocked and outraged at a Thai newspaper that ran a photo of the actor’s dead body, as he was when discovered by police hanging from a bar in a closet in his hotel room in Bangkok. A higher resolution image of the body has also begun to circulate on the Internet, presumably having been leaked by the same newspaper, TMZ informs.

As fans must know, Carradine was found dead late last week, having hung himself in his room either by accident or intentionally – the autopsy just performed should establish that in about three weeks, when its results are made public. Theories currently circulated right now are that he accidentally asphyxiated himself while in a private moment or that he might have been murdered, which would explain why he had his hands tied – a thing that the leaked photo also shows.

Aside from the utter lack of respect for the victim, by running the photo of Carradine’s dead body, the tabloid in question also brought prejudice to the ongoing police investigation by disclosing details that should have been kept away from the media. However, there is another photo in the wild, and it’s higher resolution, TMZ says.

“We’ve just seen a higher resolution image of the photo that appears to be David Carradine's body hanging in his hotel room. The photo – published by a Thai tabloid – shows a body suspended from a bar in a closet, with his hands bound together above his head. But the new sharper image also reveals what appears to be fishnet stockings covering the body. You can also see red women’s lingerie on the bed. And, it appears, Carradine may have been wearing a dark wig.” a post on TMZ reads.

As speculation continues to rage that police have not yet ruled out Carradine’s death as a possible homicide, the actor’s family is speaking out against the Thai publication and any other media outlet that might dare to publish the grainy photo of the dead body, which was presumably leaked by someone on the forensics team. “The family wants it understood that, per attorney Mark Geragos, any persons, publications or media outlets will be fully prosecuted for invasion of privacy and causing severe emotional distress if the photos are published.” Keith, Carradine’s brother, mentions in a statement recently released.

The Thai tab running the photo on the first page has yet to identify the source of the image. According to rumors, police are now looking into the leak as well.