Conservationists hope this ban will help safeguard the world’s elephant population

Mar 4, 2013 20:51 GMT  ·  By

Back in January, the World Wildlife Fund showed how, because of Thailand’s still allowing people to engage in trading activities having to do with buying and selling elephant tusks, these animals run the risk of becoming extinct at one point in the not so distant future.

In the aftermath of a rather aggressive campaign meant to force Thailand into outlawing such practices, it appears that Yingluck Shinawatra, currently serving as the country's prime minister, finally agreed to institute a ban on the national ivory trade.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, Yingluck Shinawatra’s exact statements on the matter at hand were as follows:

“As a next step we will forward amending the national legislation with the goal of putting an end on ivory trade and to be in line with international norms.”

Furthermore, “This will help protect all forms of elephants including Thailand’s wild and domestic elephants and those from Africa.”

Here's hoping this ban on trading elephant tusks in Thailand will soon be up and running.