Jun 9, 2011 10:07 GMT  ·  By

Not talking on your phone or sending texts during the movie is common sense by now, but many would still beg to differ. One woman went to an Alamo Drafthouse theater in Texas and sent texts during the movie, getting herself kicked out of the screening – and the theater made a hilarious PSA of the whole thing.

As the video embedded at the end of the article will confirm (it’s the clean version of the PSA), the Alamo is again making a stand to urge patrons to be civil during movie screenings, even turning a potentially nasty situation to its advantage.

The PSA is made of an actual voicemail an angry (former) female customer left the Alamo after she was kicked out of a theater for sending texts on her phone.

Before being escorted out without a refund, she had reportedly been warned twice that she was violating house rules prohibiting her to talk and / or use her phone during the movie.

Though most patrons comply with these rules, knowing that they’re only enforced to better the experience of watching a film, some don’t: the woman in question is one of them.

She called the Alamo telling them they shouldn’t treat customers like “pieces of [expletive],” but she can’t make up her mind whether she was using the phone as a flashlight or sending texts from it.

The PSA ends with “Thanks for not coming back to the Alamo, texter!” and once again enforces the idea that the Alamo is ok with alienating a few patrons as long as they can boast of providing the best cinema experience to the rest of them.

“I don’t think people realize that it is distracting,” Tim League, Drafthouse founder, says in a recent interview cited by Yahoo News.

“It seems like nothing, but if you spend as much time as I do at the movies, you realize the entire theater sees it and it pulls you out of the movie experience. It’s every bit as intrusive as talking,” League adds.

Check out the original – and very effective, apparently – PSA below. Offensive language has been bleeped out.