40-year-old Graham's picture of her breastfeeding a puppy went viral on Reddit

Oct 18, 2012 08:50 GMT  ·  By

40-year-old Californian Terri Graham breastfeeds her daughter's pug dog Spider four times a day, and has done so for two years.

Graham claims that she needs to feed the dog in this manner in order to fulfill her role as a mother. She wasn't able to breastfeed her two children, the Examiner reports.

The pug developed a taste for breast milk in 2010, when it started licking the woman's newborn son's milk bottles.

She immediately adopted the pup, and that helped her fill a void that she didn't otherwise know what to do with.

“I finally feel complete and a better mother,” Graham said.

The woman believes that the dog is healthy, and benefits from this form of feeding, getting a lot of nutrients from her breast milk.