Online and real-world demonstrations are taking place

Feb 11, 2014 14:51 GMT  ·  By

Tens of thousands of people and organizations are taking part today, February 11, 2014, in “The Day We Fight Back,” a global initiative that aims to protest against mass surveillance. 

According to the EFF, more than 6,000 websites have agreed to display special “Today We Fight Back” banners that urge people to sign the petition in support of the principles against mass surveillance.

In addition to protests on social media platforms using the #TheDayWeFightBack hashtag, real-world demonstrations are also expected today.

The EFF urges Americans to call members of Congress and ask them to sponsor the USA Freedom Act and oppose the so-called FISA Improvements Act. Those outside of the US are also urged to demand the end of mass surveillance by signing a petition on

As expected, hacktivists have also become involved in the protests. A large number of websites have already been hacked and defaced with protest messages.

Update. Over 230,000 people have already signed the petition in support of the principles against mass surveillance.