Zookeepers work around the clock to care for the small reptilians

Jul 27, 2012 13:21 GMT  ·  By

The Tennessee Aquarium, US recently succeeded in hatching as many as 18 baby turtles belonging to various endangered species.

These recent events go to show that breeding programs for these animals are quite successful, and bring new hope for the survival of these aquatic creatures.

Zoo employees informed the general public that their latest “acquisitions” include eight yellow-blotched map turtles, seven red-headed Amazon river turtles and three four-eyed turtles.

Moreover, it seems that others are expected to soon step out of their shells, giving the staff at the Tennessee Aquarium even more work to do.

Given the fact that, as a result of environmental pollution and overfishing, our planet's turtle population has experienced a considerable decline over the past decades, the hatching of these babies is good news indeed.