Summit releases new promo pic for the second installment of the franchise

Jul 21, 2009 12:09 GMT  ·  By

As several major US publications point out, a year or so ago, few had any idea who Taylor Lautner was. Now, the young actor has become a household name, enjoying the support of millions of “Twilight” fans across the world, as well as their admiration and respect for being able to undergo a drastic physical makeover for the part. With this in mind, it’s no wonder why the latest promo photo for “New Moon” is already causing hysteria on the Internet.

While Robert Pattinson has shot from relative obscurity to the status of the hottest bachelor on the market at the moment, Lautner is not far behind, USA Today says, the same media outlet that also ran first the new, official photo. As noted above, thanks to Comic-Con, last year’s edition, “Twilight,” and his motivation to invest a lot of time and effort into literally becoming Jacob Black, the character he’s playing in the film, Lautner is now an almost larger-than-life celebrity.

As we have also noted on previous occasions, seeing Taylor’s recently buffed physique is one of the things that fans are anxiously waiting for with the release of “New Moon.” Come to think of it, it’s only understandable, since the young actor packed about 30 pounds of muscle to become the wolf Jacob, so many were probably disappointed when they saw promo materials were coming out and he was not included on any of them, or was to the least extent.

However, the waiting is over now, as Summit has just released a new promo pic featuring none other than Taylor as Jacob. Fans will immediately notice that his body is not shown, but there is that certain dreamy quality about him that makes this new release a massive success, it is being stressed. Looking over his shoulder and with the wolf pack tattoo inked on his broad upper arm, Taylor is a dream come true in the latest promo photo – and, as such, the photo is causing hysteria on dedicated forums and online “Twilight” communities.

With this in mind, fans must remember that Comic-Con will begin this week, where “New Moon” will be officially introduced, and where Pattinson and Stewart will be present. Keep an eye on this space for updates on this.