Elle Kaye says that she eats the animals that end up in her workshop to fight food waste

Aug 13, 2014 13:37 GMT  ·  By
Taxidermist admits to eating meat taken from the animals she stuffs for a living
   Taxidermist admits to eating meat taken from the animals she stuffs for a living

There are a lot of people in this world who love and adore eating all sorts of crazy things others would not even touch, let alone put in their mouth. 22-year-old Elle Kaye is one of these people.

The woman, who currently lives in the UK and works as a taxidermist, regularly feasts on parts of the animals she stuffs for a living. What's more, she claims that her peculiar diet is her way of protecting the environment.

According to Oddity Central, the 22-year-old woman, who studied at Loughborough University, chiefly stuffs road kill and animals that passed away of natural causes.

The meat that she eats is the one that she must remove from the lifeless creatures in order to be able to properly stuff them. Elle Kaye says that she tries to eat as much of this meat as possible, provided that it is fresh.

Talking to the press, the woman admitted to being quite fond of eating meat. Since meat eaters are quite often frowned upon by environmentalists, she argues that her diet is the perfect way to satisfy one's appetite without attracting criticism.

“Doing what I do ensures I recycle a deceased animal, as a meat eater, there is no logic in wasting perfectly edible meat. It’s important to me, because it upholds all of the notions that underpin taxidermy, and it means that I do the animal justice in recycling all of it.”

“I’m a big meat eater and I believe strongly in the idea of recycling. It doesn’t make sense for me to preserve the specimen then throw the meat away. If I can determine that it’s fresh, I wouldn’t hesitate to eat it. I’m very careful,” she said in a statement.

Not at all surprisingly, there are many who simply cannot understand why anyone would ever eat meat taken from taxidermied animals, and some have even gone as far as to criticize Elle Kaye's diet. The 22-year-old says that she usually tries to ignore such comments and not let them get to her.