North Korea is seen in pitch darkness from satellite

Dec 19, 2011 16:03 GMT  ·  By

The passing of former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il did not only leave the country with a figurative dark legacy, but also with a rather obvious, real one. This image shows the country as viewed from satellite during the night. The sea of light to the south is South Korea, to the north is China.

The Dear Leader passed away following a stroke on December 17, leaving many to wonder as to the course the reclusive nation will take next. The country is in deep economic trouble, as evidenced by the lack of illumination even in its largest cities.

Power shortages and blackouts occur regularly in North Korea, so instances such as this one are rather common. The people are used to them however, and they view the passing of their leader as a tragic event. Country-wide vigils are organized even now, New Scientist reports.