Nicholas Ryan spends fortune to look more like his idol, have more definition in the face

Jun 12, 2013 20:01 GMT  ·  By

Ryan Gosling is a gorgeous man, so say millions of female admirers from all over the world. Los Angeles-based TV actor Nicholas Ryan thinks the same, and he also believes that looking more like him would boost his career in almost unimaginable ways.

The video above is of his visit to a plastic surgeon who, in exchange for $5,000 (€3,764), two hours of his time, and plenty of Botox and fillers, will help him look more like Ryan.

Well, the comparison is relative, if I do say so myself.

Nicholas doesn’t “look like” Ryan but he does have certain facial features from him once the good doctor is done with him, such as the jaw definition and the cheeks.

“I went to a pool party this week, like we do here in LA, and this girl came up to me and she said, ‘you have a very Ryan Gosling look to you.’ I couldn't believe it! After all the stuff I had gone through, it was amazing,” Nicholas enthuses after his new face has settled in.

Check it out in the video.