Simplifying the development of mobile games

Mar 1, 2007 13:37 GMT  ·  By

Texas Instruments and Ideaworks 3D are extending the capabilities of the OMAP Gaming Platform to support the OpenKODE 1.0 specification aiming to address to a wider market, targeting feature phones to high-end multimedia handsets.

It will be one of the first platforms in the industry that incorporates the OpenKODE Khronos Open Development Environment that simplifies the development and of new mobile games thus creating a larger market opportunity for mobile game publishers. It was also expanded to include Ti's OMAP2 and OMAP-Vox product families to enable the publishers to address the broadest market possible.

The Ideaworks3D Airplay SDK was optimized to take advantage of TI's OMAP P2430 and V1030 processor capabilities and at the same time maintain cross-platform portability. The SDK takes advantage of hardware-enabled 3D graphics to provide a premium gaming experience.

Lately, several manufacturers from the mobile phone industry have started to focus on providing a better gaming experience to customers and by the way things are going, users will be able to enjoy a greatly improved gaming experience in no time.

"Game developers will see dramatic reductions in development costs by utilizing the TI and Ideaworks3D gaming platform," said Alex Caccia, CEO, Ideaworks3D. "We have found that game developers can achieve up to 60 percent cost savings for development and porting of mobile games using Airplay SDK on TI's OMAP and OMAP-Vox platforms."

One of the most important benefits of the two companies' solution is that it allows game developers to create one game binary which runs on the leading operating systems such as Symbian or Windows Mobile.

There are several advantages for both manufacturers and operators, including the reduction of porting costs, development time and the development of higher quality games that will appeal more to the users and can be used on a wider variety of handsets.