Dec 17, 2010 08:59 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has released to manufacturing the first major upgrade to System Center Service Manager 2010.

At this point in time, customers can download System Center Service Manager 2010 Service Pack 1 RTM from the Redmond company, with the software giant offering an evaluation copy for testing.

Available through the Microsoft Download Center, System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1 is designed to kick up a notch the RTM version of System Center Service Manager 2010, which shipped to customers in April 2010.

“System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1 addresses critical feedback received from customers and partners and provides greater language support, improved performance capabilities, and a number of usability enhancements,” revealed Travis Wright, Senior Program Manager on the Microsoft System Center Service Manager product team.

What Microsoft is offering with SP1 is a rollup of fixes more than anything else. The company explains that work with the upgrade was focused on making sure that System Center Service Manager 2010 RTM gets a variety of bug fixes as well as performance improvements with SP1.

“With Service Pack 1 for System Center Service Manager, language support for the entire product is added for the following languages: Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Dutch, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish, Turkish (using Latin Collation),” Wright added.

“In addition to the additional language support, over 500 improvements were made to address issues and customer change requests. SP1 also provides official support for SQL Server 2008 R2.”

Microsoft offered insight into the most important changes introduced with SP1 for System Center Service Manager 2010:

“•Consolidation of all language versions in a single release and readiness for simultaneous shipping at RTM.

•Support for 10 additional languages

•Integration of the Authoring Tool release and three cumulative updates

•Performance fixes across the board in data access layer

•Generic performance tracing in SDK

•Performance enhancement for transforms

•Usability and accessibility fixes throughout the product

•Fixes in AD / OM connectors including support of importing Exchange 2003 distributed application

•Notification issues related to multiple notifications

•Localizability and globalization fixes throughout the product

•Data, layout, and localization fixes in reports

•Data warehouse enhancements including additional numeric datatype support for measures

•Support of SQL 2008 R2

•UI memory leak fixes

•Intel Video Driver issue causing console crashes fixed by third party (Intel).”

System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1 Evaluation is available for download here.