An explosive teddy bear launcher and a vinyl disc thrower are present in the game

May 30, 2014 16:15 GMT  ·  By

Insomniac Games has just rolled out a fresh video for its upcoming Sunset Overdrive third-person shooter, this time focusing on two of the more outlandish weapons in the game, which show either vinyl records or teddy bears strapped with dynamite.

Sunset Overdrive is one of the few big Xbox One exclusives still set to debut this year, after a string of delays that affected titles like Quantum Break.

The game received a lot of details earlier this month, including some fresh screenshots and gameplay footage.

Now, developer Insomniac Games has rolled out another episode of its SunsetTV web series, this time showing off even more gameplay from Sunset Overdrive on the Xbox One, focusing specifically on two of its weapons.

First up is the High Fidelity, a gun that launches vinyl discs into enemies that ricochet and explode on impact. Secondly, there's a dynamite teddy bear launcher that propels teddy bears laced with explosives into foes for large area damage.

What's more, Insomniac also confirms that, while there's just one button for melee attacks, these moves can be improved using amps. The single player will include a variety of story missions and side activities, but Insomniac can't say any more just yet.

Sunset Overdrive is set to debut this fall for Xbox One.