Bye-bye wires with the help of the Screamer from Siren

Jan 4, 2007 08:06 GMT  ·  By

Looks like the age of wires going back and forth between the PC (where all that cool, more or less legally purchased music is stored) and your Hi-Fi stereo systems might be coming to an end, since more and more manufacturers are releasing wireless streaming systems which allow you to get rid of all those pesky "physical" connections. And one such device is the one presented by the Siren company, namely the Siren Screamer, a consumer product (not quite on the high-end side) that will certainly prove useful for the normal users (although real music aficionados will probably stay away from it).

As many other devices from the same family (too many, if you ask me), the Screamer works on the 2.4GHz spectrum and is capable of achieving bitrates of up to 1.536 Mbps. It has a pretty serious transmission range (up to 45.72 meters), and features a pair of RCA connectors and a single mini-jack line-out, which is not nearly enough for this type of device (told you it's not quite high-end). Moreover, despite the fact that it works with both Windows Media Player and iTunes, the Siren Screamer (or actually, its dongle) can be connected solely to a Windows XP compatible PC (sorry, Mac fans).

The device comes with a rather retro-looking remote control that features a 128 x 32 LCD display which can be used for managing the music playback, searching through playlists and viewing the current song title, artist and album information. The Siren Screamer is available for around 130 US dollars, which is quite a fair price, if you ask me, considering both what this device has to offer and what lacks.

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