Celeb quickly regained access, with a hand from Twitter

Sep 25, 2014 11:07 GMT  ·  By

When you challenge hackers to steal personal information from you, nothing good can happen, as Jackass member Steve-O experienced first hand when he was denied access to his Twitter account on Wednesday.

The stunt performer dared hackers to break into his iCloud account and steal nude photos of him; only a public challenge involving hackers does not have any rules, and they would achieve the goal step by step, seeking flaws in other areas that could help with the final task.

A day after tweeting the taunt, Steve-O found himself parted from his Twitter account. The message feed is clean, but some changes did occur, the hacking challenge tweet no longer being available.

The microblogging company was quick to restore access to the account for the rightful owner though, as the celebrity announced.

However, hackers may not stop at this, as many of them are relentless in their actions, and only “capturing the flag” can end their attack.

Steve-O got a good lesson of “ask and you shall receive,” apparently without suffering any damage. He congratulated the hacker who managed to take over the account, but did not disclose any other information about the identity of the “perp”, and didn’t mention whether personal content such as direct messages was affected or how the deed was done.