Brian Williams believes Apple’s late co-founder truly changed the world

Nov 10, 2011 07:51 GMT  ·  By

Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs (1955-2011) has been nominated for Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” by NBC’s Brian Williams, who justified his choice with a truly inspiring speech.

Steve Jobs has been on the cover of Time Magazine many times, but he would be the first to receive the Person of the Year award after death.

Jobs was diagnosed in 2003 with a rare form of pancreatic cancer that was treatable, but not necessarily curable.

Jobs refused treatment for almost a year, during which he tried several vegan diets, acupuncture and all kinds of ‘natural’ solutions because he did’t want doctors violating his body.

His family and friends continued to urge him to operate the cancerous tumor in his pancreas. After nine months of failed attempts to rid his body of cancer, he finally agreed to do it.

Post operation, Jobs gave his famous speech at Stanford University where one of the stories he told was about the cancer. He said “I’m fine now”.

He wasn’t. Two years later the man would begin to lose weight considerably, and any treatment he would undergo left him weaker and sicker.

He lived like this for a few more years, during which he continued to shape up Apple in accordance with his vision.

He worked hard on the company’s products and innovations until the last day, October 5th, 2011, when a respiratory arrest finally claimed his life.

“One guy, who changed our world, and I said to Seth Meyers as we walked across Sixth Avenue, ‘Just look with me on this one block walk at how he changed the world around us,” said NBC’s Nightly News anchor Brian Williams.

“Look at how he changed the world.’ Not only did he change the world, but he gave us that spirit again that something was possible that you could look at a piece of plastic or glass and move your finger– that’s outlandish. You could make things bigger or smaller like that. ‘Oh the places you’ll go’ and oh the way you will change forever the music and television industries. So may he rest in peace, Steve Jobs, and the spirit he represents, are my nominee for Person of the Year,” Williams said.