The fake one that is

Nov 29, 2007 17:21 GMT  ·  By

Steve Jobs, Apple's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, putting a single foot inside the Redmond campus, Microsoft's fief, would be nothing short of a sacrilegious move. Jobs going to Microsoft would actually equal the sacred mingling with the profane, and just as much a sacrilege as Bill Gates visiting the Cupertino-based hardware company's headquarters. And yet, Steve Jobs is capable of such desecration as going over at Microsoft, well, not the real Apple CEO, but Fake Steve Jobs. You might have heard of him, Fake Steve Jobs is none other than Daniel Lyons, a Forbes editor, and author of the Apple blasphemy also known as The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs.

According to Microsoft, "Fake Steve Jobs is (in his off hours) Daniel Lyons, a senior editor for Forbes and the author of an earlier novel and a collection of short stories. He is the recipient of both a National endowment for the Arts Literary Fellowship and the Playboy College Fiction Prize." The short biography is associated with a video of Daniel Lyons on "oPtions: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs" his book derived in part from the blog over at Microsoft.

Of course it could only be the Redmond company that would embrace Fake Steve Jobs. Daniel Lyons in fact has been complaining (just watch the video here) about the fact that Apple did not come ringing when his secret identity was blown. Lyons also explains why it is so easy to make fun of Steve Jobs, opposite to the Microsoft Chief Executive officer Steve Ballmer.

"Welcome to the mind and world of Fake Steve Jobs: Fake Steve, the counter-intuitive management guru: "Obviously we can't literally put our employees' lives at risk. But we have to make them feel that way." Fake Steve the celebrity hobnobber: "I like Bono. He's the only person I know who's more self absorbed than I am." Fake Steve on backdated stock options: "No doubt you've heard what happened to me. You've read the stories about the big scandal at Apple. The fact is, you've heard only one side. You've heard a distorted tale based on leaks and lies, fabrications and media hacks. Now it is my turn. And believe me, my lies and fabrications and falsehoods are way more convincing than theirs"," reads another fragment published by the Redmond company and accompanying the video of Daniel Lyons in his visit over at Microsoft.