Anonymous staffer reveals reasoning behind employee-teaching institution

Oct 7, 2011 10:02 GMT  ·  By

Before coming to his end earlier this week, Steve Jobs was known to have hired dean of Yale School of Management Joel Podolny to head teaching at the Apple University.

Now, an anonymous former Apple executive describes the Jobs’ intentions with the initiative:

"Steve was looking to his legacy. The idea was to take what is unique about Apple and create a forum that can impart that DNA to future generations of Apple employees. No other company has a university charged with probing so deeply into the roots of what makes the company so successful."

Podolny has reportedly written his first computer program on an Apple II, and he is said to have been personally influenced by Jobs.

“While there are many great companies, I cannot think of one that has had as tremendous personal meaning for me as Apple,” he wrote in a farewell to students.