Apr 4, 2011 09:54 GMT  ·  By
Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Taylor Hicks perform Rebecca Black’s “Friday”
   Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Taylor Hicks perform Rebecca Black’s “Friday”

If there was one person in the world who could do it, Stephen Colbert was it. As promised, Colbert performed Rebecca Black’s “Friday” on Jimmy Fallon and, not only did he actually sing, but he even managed to make the song sound positively awesome.

Colbert lost a (staged) bet with Jimmy Fallon, which said that, if Jimmy managed to raise a certain amount of money for charity, he would personally sing “Friday,” the best worst song released in years, as critics describe it.

Fans thought it was just a joke at first but, in the end, it became clear that Colbert would have to brace himself for the performance of his lifetime, because the money was being raised.

DonorsChoose.org got $26,000 from Fallon’s fans, matching the amount that Colbert had raised. Thus, he had no other choice than to start preparing for the performance.

Not only did Colbert keep his promise: he actually managed to make “Friday” acceptable. The entire performance, with contributions from Fallon himself, The Roots and American Idol winner Taylor Hicks, was epic, as the video below will confirm.

Dressed up to the nines and looking dead serious, Colbert kicked off a country-sounding version of “Friday,” seemingly pouring his heart out in the inane lyrics.

He was soon joined by Fallon himself (in Autotune, no less), and Hicks and, towards the end, cheerleaders.

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Hicks afterwards – and he simply can’t stop gushing about the sheer awesomeness of the performance, singing Colbert’s praises

“The whole thing was genius in my opinion. Every moment was absurd: Fallon and Colbert in autotune, the hyper-glow Soul Patrol sweatshirt...” Hicks says.

He met Colbert some time ago and, while he can’t boast of being his “BFF for six months” like Fallon, he has the utmost respect and admiration for him.

“He is a great talent and good guy, witty as hell and full of energy!” he says.

Check out Stephen Colbert singing “Friday” on Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy.