Players will no longer be able to dance and avoid enemy attacks

Jan 6, 2012 10:57 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has confirmed that a new patch set to be released today onto all Star Wars: the Old Republic servers is going to eliminate the already infamous dancing exploit, through which players escaped enemy attacks just by commanding their characters to dance.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massive online game, so it was only natural for bugs, glitches or exploits to be uncovered once it fell into the hands of actual players. Among the most peculiar ones, however, was a dancing glitch, which caused enemies to stop attacking players if their own characters started to dance.

BioWare already became aware of this problem earlier this week and promised that a patch would be released to eliminate this glitch and keep battles inside the game from becoming filled with dancing characters.

Now, while yesterday’s full 1.0.2 patch didn’t eliminate this issue, the studio confirmed that today’s smaller update would, in fact, prevent “social emotes (like /getdown) from interfering with combat.”

The patch is expected to go live sometime today, with all players being prompted to download it before getting to play the actual online game.

In order to clear things up about the update process, game director James Ohlen told The Old Republic players that they can expect a new patch almost every week, but also smaller fixes for glitches that need to be fixed as soon as possible.

"These issues are the highest priority items at the studio," Ohlen declared on the SWTOR website. "They are reviewed by senior leadership on a daily basis. Bug fixes usually take longer than a week to get into the game because we need to fix the issue and then test the fix. Some bugs take longer than that because of the complexity of the issue. “

"There are issues that we will fix immediately," he stated. "These are rare and not every issue can be fixed in this manner. We usually reserve these 'emergency fixes' for bugs that are stopping players from playing the game or to exploits that could unbalance the entire game if not corrected."

Considering the scope of The Old Republic, this dancing exploit won’t be the last one we’ll see, but BioWare is on the job and wants to keep the online game as problem-free as possible.