Where do they come up with these holidays?

Dec 5, 2007 09:10 GMT  ·  By

It's Ashley Angel, a partner in Attention Management startup Particls.com, who came up with the idea that a special day should be instituted for his and everybody's better half, who doesn't get the attention truly deserved. The tagline was "the day to think about those running your other startup" and, with that in mind, he teamed with business partner Chris Saad and launched Spouse 2.0 Day.

It's just around the corner, so if you're going to celebrate it, you'd best start with the shopping. You are encouraged to buy your significant other a present "in appreciation of all the time you neglected them while running your start-up this year. They shouldn't have to wait for Christmas to get something special!" But come to think of it, you don't actually need a specially instituted day for this, any day could be Spouse 2.0 Day. And the gifts don't have to be diamond rings or floor-level season tickets to their favorite basketball team, a little something also does the trick, as long as it's not expected. So, if you're going to comply with Ashley Angel's "rules" as they are mentioned on the web page, you'd best not tell your better half anything about Friday and just surprise him/her.

According to him, on Spouse 2.0 Day you should:

1. Buy your significant other a present, in appreciation of all the time you have neglected them while running your start-up this year. They shouldn't have to wait for Christmas to get something special! 2. Post about your special gift, and the sacrifices your spouse has made on your blog, twitter or other self-publishing services. 3. Tag all photos and posts with "Spouse 2.0" as evidence.

What do you think? Are you in or are you out? You don't necessarily have to own a startup, in order to participate, and you don't have to be married either in order to make an account. It's just a day for showing you care.