The jumper was preparing to throw himself off a 12-level building window in Brazil

Dec 13, 2013 14:05 GMT  ·  By

A man decided to end his life by jumping from the window of a 12-storey building in Brazil when special forces intervened and stopped the jumper by kicking him back inside.

It may seem that Brazil's way of convincing suicidal men not to jump from a building is special forces commando boots. If negotiations didn't work, the boot of a trained officer sure did, as it kicked the man straight back into the building, saving his life.

Crowds gathered to see whether the jumper will end his life or not and when he was forced inside, to safety, cheers could be heard everywhere. I'm not sure if the noise was made for the man's life being saved or for the commando forces' amazing performance.

With the suicidal man showing no sign of changing his mind, one commando shimmed down a rope from the top of the building and kicked the jumper straight in the chest sending him back in the room. The poor guy may have suffered some injuries after the kick, but at least he is still alive, and it may serve him as a lesson for future attempts.