ThreatTrack Security experts have analyzed the new marketing tactic

Jul 8, 2013 17:11 GMT  ·  By

Spammers have turned to an interesting method to lure unsuspecting Internet users to websites that advertise all sorts of weight loss products and miracle cures.

According to ThreatTrack Security’s Chris Boyd, the spammers are using a legitimate jigsaw game building tool to turn advertisements for these websites into something that might appear fun.

Experts have identified several sites that host jigsaw puzzle game files named something like “Joomla,” “TeamFunPlaces,” “VigRX,” and “CheapDisneylandTickets.”

If these files are executed, a jigsaw puzzle appears. When solved, the puzzle actually displays an ad for weight loss or other shady products.

“So, that’s an actual marketing tactic now – and your browser based ad blocker isn’t going to be much use when dealing with game-based websites chopped into little tiny pieces,” Boyd advises.

“Your best bet is to not bother stitching them back together, or deliberately placing tiles in the wrong locations if you really want to vent your frustration.”